Option 1: “Loved by God” Mirror
cardstock, aluminum foil, paper plates, jewels, sequins, scissors, glue, crayons
Gather supplies. On cardstock, print the outline of a hand mirror (one per child). Cut aluminum foil into oval shapes that will fit the mirror portion of the hand mirror. Place an assortment of jewels and sequins on paper plates. Make a sample craft.
Set hand mirror copies, aluminum foil ovals, paper plates, and remaining supplies on tables. Have children cut out a hand mirror and glue a piece of foil to the center of the face of the mirror. They can glue jewels and sequins around the outside of the foil. On the handle, children write “Loved by God.” Remind children that all people are loved by God!
Option 2: One in Jesus
cardstock, colored copy paper, scissors, colored pencils, staplers
Gather supplies. On cardstock, print the Big Truth in bubble letters (one per child). On colored copy paper, print the words Jew, Gentile, and Jesus, and cut into strips with one word per strip. Make a sample craft.
Set Big Truth copies, paper strips, and remaining supplies on tables. Instruct children to interlock and staple the strips of paper together to form a paper chain that includes the words Jew, Gentile, and Jesus a few times each. Children then can color the Big Truth paper and staple their chain around the perimeter of the paper. Remind children that Jesus brought salvation to all people.
Option 1: “Loved by God” Mirror
cardstock, aluminum foil, paper plates, jewels, sequins, scissors, glue, crayons
Gather supplies. On cardstock, print the outline of a hand mirror (one per child). Cut aluminum foil into oval shapes that will fit the mirror portion of the hand mirror. Place an assortment of jewels and sequins on paper plates. Make a sample craft.
Set hand mirror copies, aluminum foil ovals, paper plates, and remaining supplies on tables. Have children cut out a hand mirror and glue a piece of foil to the center of the face of the mirror. They can glue jewels and sequins around the outside of the foil. On the handle, children write “Loved by God.” Remind children that all people are loved by God!
Option 2: One in Jesus
cardstock, colored copy paper, scissors, colored pencils, staplers
Gather supplies. On cardstock, print the Big Truth in bubble letters (one per child). On colored copy paper, print the words Jew, Gentile, and Jesus, and cut into strips with one word per strip. Make a sample craft.
Set Big Truth copies, paper strips, and remaining supplies on tables. Instruct children to interlock and staple the strips of paper together to form a paper chain that includes the words Jew, Gentile, and Jesus a few times each. Children then can color the Big Truth paper and staple their chain around the perimeter of the paper. Remind children that Jesus brought salvation to all people.