Discussion Questions
Discuss the story in small groups using the following questions. {10–15 minutes}
What are some of the great works that Jesus did? What are some great works that Jesus’s followers did? When Jesus told the disciples that they would do even greater works than him, what do you think he meant?
Jesus’s followers will do even greater works than him.
When John the Baptist asked if Jesus was really the Messiah, how did Jesus answer? What does this teach us about what God’s kingdom is like? Which of those miracles do we see in the story today?
Jesus is revealing what his kingdom is like through his disciples’ works.
Did Peter heal the lame man in his own name? What name did he use? And what happened? Whose name did he say people must call on to be saved?
The name of Jesus has the power to heal and save for those who believe.
Now that Jesus is seated on his throne in heaven, who does he use to bring healing and salvation to all people? And who gives them the power to do it?
With the Spirit’s power, God uses his church to bring healing and salvation to all people.