Acts 10

Peter Eats and a Soldier Believes

Gospel Connection

Show how the story points to Jesus and his rescue mission as the snake crusher. {5 minutes}

Out of all the nations God called Israel to be his chosen people. They weren’t chosen because they were the biggest group—or the richest, strongest, or best looking. God chose them to show his great mercy. And although he chose to save Israel, God’s calling of Abraham showed he had a bigger plan in mind, one that was always God’s plan A and that he would reveal more fully over time. He promised Abraham that all the nations would be blessed through him and his offspring (see Gen. 12:1–3). We see this plan unfolding throughout the Old Testament: people from other nations (Gentiles) believe the word of the Lord (e.g., Rahab, Ruth, and the Ninevites) and experience God’s blessings and salvation. We see it more clearly in the New Testament: with the coming of Jesus, the promised King of the Jews, an open invitation was extended to both Jews and Gentiles to receive all God’s blessings through faith in Jesus. Through these stories we learn that God’s grace knows no limits. Even the worst of sinners, like Saul, can be saved; even Roman soldiers, like Cornelius, can be saved. The wideness of God’s mercy includes all people from all nations—whoever trusts in Jesus!

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3 Engage

Use the following questions, activities, and crafts to help kids engage with the story.

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