Gospel Connection
Peter’s sermon didn’t just explain why the man could now walk. It ended with the good news about the Snake Crusher. Peter told the people that they “delivered over the Holy and Righteous Author of Life, and asked for Barabbas the murderer instead” (see Acts 3:13–15). Peter wanted them to understand that what they did was wrong. But thankfully he didn’t stop there. He told them the good news. “God raised Jesus from the dead and glorified him,” Peter preached. “And we apostles are all witnesses! We saw these things with our own two (or, actually twenty-four!) eyes” (see 3:13, 15). He continued, telling them that Jesus suffered just like the prophets said he would and that right then was the time to repent: turn from sin and turn to God. That same message—of bad then good news—is for us. We didn’t have Jesus killed two thousand years ago, but we are still responsible. He had to die because we are terrible sinners. But the good news is that if we repent and believe, God will forgive our sins, give us new life, and help us to walk with Jesus.